Friday, July 10, 2009

Misery Buisness

Dear Revenge Journal,

What is it that I want to do with myself? With this life I've worked so hard to build up only to find myself at a point where I no longer am confident in the path I've chosen? Perhaps I just haven't spent enough time putting thought into where it is I plan to go... what I want to do. The God Generals aren't doing much to help, that's for one... bah, useless baggage! The only reason I came here in the first place was because I didn't know where else to go after escaping the horrors back in Ketterberg...

... Revenge Journal, it's about time I got up off my behind and went out looking for something to move me forward rather than let it come to me, which obviously isn't working. Wish me luck!

- Dist the Rose


Tora Tsujiuchi said...

-stickey note- : well if the Journal doesnt wish you luck I certainly will... oh yeah and it looks like SOMEONE ELSE has written in your journal at some point in time GEE I HOPE YOU DIDNT ACUSE THE WRONG PERSON OF TAGGING YOU >8|

sync the tempest said...

Dist, you're a MORON

My Personal Army!

My Personal Army!
~ (I'm the one in the chair!) These are my coworkers, who do nothing but be obstinant to me in every way possible, especially the green-haired one!~ art (c) Tales of the Abyss

My bathtub...?

My bathtub...?
~...AHH! Get out of my bathroom! GET OUT!!~ picture (c) to original artist

Once Again Deserted...

Once Again Deserted...
~Gah, this was when I sent a warning letter to Jade and his gang to meet me here in Ketterburg... but the mongrel never showed up! Some nerve...!~ art (c) original artist