There are times where I begin to wonder just how long my patience will last when it comes to coworkers. Largo often just plain ignored me, and I was alright with that because who needs to socialize when there's work and research to be done? But honestly, that Sync is really getting on my nerves! Sooner or later, this conflict will have to come to an end, and I refuse to let him get the best of me!
There was one day in particular that occured about three weeks from today, where I was putting through a call to Spinoza... and you know what that ratty little Sync was doing? Eavesdropping. That's right, there is nothing I cannot tolerate less than someone dropping in uninvited on my intellectual conversations! And what's worse is the cockroach skuttled over to Van and tried to rat me out... not that there was a thing to rat me out on in the first place! GRRR!!! Why is it that I always have to take the brunt of everything that seems to go wrong or has the possibility to go wrong?! It's unfair, I tell you! If Jade was here.... Oh, if Jade was here, he would show them! Yes! .... Wait a moment, I don't need Jade! I handled the situation myself, with a little bit of Spinoza's help. I was able to convey my side of the story, and everything cleared up... I hope. Sync is just a huge bomb waiting to explode, I'm convinced of this now. One more person walking by and KABOOM!! Fired! Gone! Out of my way so I can quietly and peacefully sit down and do my work!
Don't worry, my beloved Revenge Journal... together, the two of us will withstand this monstrosity.
-Dist the Rose
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